Dear search-engine provider,

This is a guideline how you can optimize your search engine, to better suit the needs of your potential customers with this meta-search engine.

This search engine currently offers 400x400 pixels screen-space per search-engine, this is a trade-off between getting as much information as possible from every search-engine, and fitting as many search-engines on one page. We might change this in the future, but I think the concept works well enough that we can stick with it for now.

To bootstrap this meta-search engine, I took the URL from the search-result page of your website, and used that for both the I-Frame and for the hyperlink above the I-Frame. If you want me to use different URLs, please contact me. You can provide 2 different URLs: The URL that provides the 400x400 IFrame where the fast search results are displayed, and the Hyperlink URL which should provide the full webshop view that gets loaded when the user clicks on the link above the frame.

I think it would be helpful for some pages that you design a special I-Frame page with the search-results to be displayed within the I-Frame: This special I-Frame page must be directly loadable as an I-Frame from this page (make sure that you do not use X-FRAME-OPTION or some Javascript to prevent your page from being loaded as I-Frame, and avoid using CAPTCHAs, from my point of view CAPTCHAs are just a small barrier that can be overcome easily anyway).Also please disable Cookie Banners for the I-Frame page, they are not just useless and not legally mandatory, they are also often not responsive enough.

To specifically allow the Frame integration, you can send the following HTTP header: X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM

In case you are using Access-Control-Allow-Origin, you might have to add the HTTP header Access-Control-Allow-Origin:

In case you are using the HTTP header X-Frame-Options:SameOrigin you have to extend it to X-Frame-Options: allow-from

Your I-Frame page SHOULD display your logo at the top, but I would suggest that it should not use more than 100 pixels vertically.

Your I-Frame page SHOULD display whether it has found search results or not within the 400x400 area in an easily readable manner. If the users have to scroll around in your I-Frame, that takes time, and they might not do it and shop at other vendors instead.

Your whole website should be fully Unicode/UTF-8 compliant

Regarding the Hyperlink above the I-Frame: I tried to keep it simple by just writing the name of your company/website above the I-Frame. I currently have the feeling that it might be better to put small Logos there, to make finding a particular search engine easier in the results. But I fear that some logos might become too small and unreadable in the necessary format. Please let me know what you think about it.

Your website should work with HTTPS (SSL/TLS). If necessary please get your certificates from e.g. LetsEncrypt

The order of the search-engines on the page is currently randomized, and might change at any time. Currently search-engines that are optimized according to the rules above are added at the top of the list, and search engines that do not adhere are added at the bottom. I am also thinking about offering a tool so that users can customize the sorting of the search-engines according to their own needs in the future.

Please make sure that any search requests are handled fast enough by your system, and that a large number of requests do not cause any issues in your system. If you really do not have the ressources to cope with the high load of requests you get from us, please contact us so that we can find a good solution together.

Please avoid setting the focus on your I-Frame search result page with Javascript, since this currently has an effect on the parent-frame as well, which scrolls the whole page around irratically, which is not helpful for the user.